A love story full of drugs and betrayal.
Kendra Morgan - Goodreads (December 7, 2017) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Glue by D.W. Plato is definitely not your typical romance, if you classify it as romance at all. It is a brilliantly told tale of drug addiction: it's cause, it's consequences, and it's cure.
Heather Hess - Goodreads (April 12, 2018) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
This is a terrific book for anyone who has struggled with addiction, survived abuse or just has human emotions. Its brilliantly written, full of deep feeling and has a gritty, sometimes dark plot. Its realistic and honest; definitely not sugar-coating anything.

Dacia thinks she’s escaping a miserable life with her emotionally abusive husband only to get caught up in a world filled with meth and sex. Her out-of- control lifestyle leads her into more than one sexual encounter with a variety of men. A friend with benefits turns into something more. A handsome sex addict’s fantasies take her to the brink of out-of- control passion. And Christopher, a man who is boy-next-door charming, cute and good to her who will do anything to get Dacia to give him a chance. The drugs coursing through her veins keeps her closely tied to the men and women that will certainly be her demise.